Example 2-2. _cleanup_: An improved clean-up script
# Proper header for a Bash script.
# Cleanup, version 2
# Run as root, of course.
# Insert code here to print error message and exit if not root.
# Variables are better than hard-coded values.
cat /dev/null > messages
cat /dev/null > wtmp
echo "Logs cleaned up."
exit # The right and proper method of "exiting" from a script.
# A bare "exit" (no parameter) returns the exit status
#+ of the preceding command.
現在這個開始看起來像個真正的 script 了,只是我們可以再更進一步 ...
Example 2-3. _cleanup_: 上述 script 的加強版。
# Cleanup, version 3
# Warning:
# -------
# This script uses quite a number of features that will be explained
#+ later on.
# By the time you've finished the first half of the book,
#+ there should be nothing mysterious about it.
ROOT_UID=0 # Only users with $UID 0 have root privileges.
LINES=50 # Default number of lines saved.
E_XCD=86 # Can't change directory?
E_NOTROOT=87 # Non-root exit error.
# Run as root, of course.
if [ "$UID" -ne "$ROOT_UID" ]
echo "Must be root to run this script."
if [ -n "$1" ]
# Test whether command-line argument is present (non-empty).
lines=$LINES # Default, if not specified on command-line.
# Stephane Chazelas suggests the following,
#+ as a better way of checking command-line arguments,
#+ but this is still a bit advanced for this stage of the tutorial.
# E_WRONGARGS=85 # Non-numerical argument (bad argument format).
# case "$1" in
# "" ) lines=50;;
# *[!0-9]*) echo "Usage: `basename $0` lines-to-cleanup";
# exit $E_WRONGARGS;;
# * ) lines=$1;;
# esac
#* Skip ahead to "Loops" chapter to decipher all this.
if [ `pwd` != "$LOG_DIR" ] # or if [ "$PWD" != "$LOG_DIR" ]
# Not in /var/log?
echo "Can't change to $LOG_DIR."
exit $E_XCD
fi # Doublecheck if in right directory before messing with log file.
# Far more efficient is:
# cd /var/log || {
# echo "Cannot change to necessary directory." >&2
# exit $E_XCD;
# }
tail -n $lines messages > mesg.temp # Save last section of message log file.
mv mesg.temp messages # Rename it as system log file.
# cat /dev/null > messages
#* No longer needed, as the above method is safer.
cat /dev/null > wtmp # ': > wtmp' and '> wtmp' have the same effect.
echo "Log files cleaned up."
# Note that there are other log files in /var/log not affected
#+ by this script.
exit 0
# A zero return value from the script upon exit indicates success
#+ to the shell.
script_parameters="-a -h -m -z"
# -a = all, -h = help, etc.
if [ $# -ne $Number_of_expected_args ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` $script_parameters"
# `basename $0` is the script's filename.
echo "Part 1 of script."
# This does *not* launch a new script.
echo "Part 2 of script."
echo $a # Value of $a stays at 1.
# Self-deleting script.
# Nothing much seems to happen when you run this... except that the file disappears.
echo "This line will never print (betcha!)."
exit $WHATEVER # Doesn't matter. The script will not exit here.
# Try an echo $? after script termination.
# You'll get a 0, not a 85.